Morbid obesity presents a significant health risk and impacts the quality of a patient’s life. As minimally invasive, reversible and comfortable medical implant, the HELIOSPHERE® guarantees safe and effective pre-operative treatment for morbid obesity. With two sizes available – 600cc and 720cc you can ensure that you are providing the best individual treatment.
Non-surgical and minimally invasive
Implantation takes around 20 minutes via endoscopy without the need to hospitalise the patient.
Inflated with air
Lightweight and therefore reducing post-implantation nausea, vomiting and discomfort.
Implantation time
6 months
Reinforced & airtight
Protective polymer coating
Simplified implantation
- Easy cover removal system
- Smaller introduction diameter
Simplified Extraction
- Reduced extraction force
- Double skin transparent wall
Gastroplasty surgery to treat obesity is considered only after medically managed diets have failed to achieve long-term weight loss. It is important for the success of treatment that the use of the HELIOSPHERE® 600/720 intragastric balloons is accompanied by medical and dietetic monitoring.

The balloon has broad suitability conditions. From overweight patients (BMI ≥ 27) to obese patients who do not meet the criteria for bariatric surgery, to super-obese (BMI ≥ 50) as a gateway to bariatric surgery.Results
Once inflated, the balloon reduces the nominal volume of the stomach. By acting freely in the stomach, HELIOSPHERE® causes a rapid feeling of satiety at meals. The patient eats less and loses weight.
Loss of weight up to as much as 24KG.1
Lowering of surgical risks thanks to the pre-operative reduction in weight. (Flancbaum observes a direct link between surgical risks and the initial Body Mass Index of patient. The reduction in the BMI before by-pass lowers the risk of medical complications or early mortality.3)

1 deflation needle
1 pair of extraction forceps
1 universal connector
Reduction of BMI in 46 patients1

Correlation of surgical risks with initial BMI patients2

1 Erdem, H., et al. (2016). “Effects of Intragastric Balloon on Body Mass Index, Lipid Profile and Blood Glucose Regulation: A Prospective Study.” Dicle Tıp Dergisi 43(1).
1 Palmisano, S., et al. (2016). “Intragastric Balloon Device: Weight Loss and Satisfaction Degree.” Obesity surgery 26(9): 2131-2137.
1 Espinet Coll, E., et al. (2017). “Multicenter study on the safety of bariatric endoscopy.” Rev Esp Enferm Dig 109(5): 350-357.
2 According to the European prospective database (Observatory of HELIOSCOPIE).
3 Factors Affecting Morbidity and Mortality of Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass for Clinically Severe Obesity: An Analysis of 1,000 Consecutive Open Cases by a Single Surgeon. Louis Flancbaum. J Gastrointest Surg (2007) 11:500-507.
Tolerance And Efficacy of an Air-filled Balloon In Non-Morbidly Obese Patients… F. Mion. Obesity Surgery, 2007; 17, 764-769.
Posters from the World Congress of IFSO: Air-Filled Intragastric Balloon (Bag): Italian Multicentric Results. A. Giovanelli (2007).
Heliosphere intragastric Air Balloon: Our Initial Experience in the Dominican Republic. Dk Ramirez. (2006), Intragastric Balloon for Obesity: Comparative Study With 420 Patients: New Generation Air-filled vs Liquid-Filled. C. Hermida. (2006) or from the UEGW: Primary Experience With Air-Filled Intragastric Balloon Compared With Intragastric Balloon Literature Data. H. Claudez (2005) ‘.